We need one Law

The law is:

No one can be forced to do anything.

What is the goal of every human?

To do as least as possible, to earn as much as possible, to save as much as possible so they can do as much as possible of what they want to do. In other words every one wants to retire.

What is Capitalism?

The voluntary exchange of goods and services between 2 parties.

What is the goal of Capitalism?

To improve the quality of goods and services and to bring down the prices to next to zero.

When prices go down, everybody gets richer

but when prices go up only the rich get richer.

What is inflation?

Inflation can only happen in the current system we live in today. Governments prints currency and get to spend it into the market without having to work for it. As a result there is more currency in the system fighting for a limited set of goods and services. Prices go up faster than wages go up and the people get poorer. Inflation is a hidden tax on the poor.

What is Socialism?

Socialism is taxing the productive people and giving it to the unproductive people.

What is taxing?

Taxing is forcing productive people to pay for the unproductive people. Taxing is stealing because its done without permission.

Our current system...

The law is:

No one can be forced to do anything.

What people want

Every single human wants to retire which means to have their bills paid so they can do what they want. In a free market capitalism without government intervention and the one law, (no one can be forced to do anything) most people will be able to retire after 5-10 years of work. Capitalism will bring prices of goods and services down so much that a normal person can pay all its basic bills with only 5-10 hours of work a week. AI and full self driving cars will not take jobs away, they will help prices go down so that everyone gets richer.

What is the Solution?


We need a bigger marketing budget.

I would like to each one of you to donate £5.00 a month and i will use this money to create such a big marketing campaign to get people to learn about the current system we live and to grow a voice to loud that the one law we need will become a reality.

I want to create at least a multi million pound advertising campaign for freedom.

We can achieve this in less than 5 years.

Donate now

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